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Fancy logo, catchy tagline name was inspired by my lack of completing most projects I start.

I've, in no particular order:

Was "...t-shirt guy" for an outstanding group who picks up & inventories litter around a bay once a year.
Helped countless turtles cross busy roads.
Founded, maintained & deleted numerous websites and blogs.
Captured many injured & unhealthy birds & dropped them off to rehabbers.
Talked a lost 4 year old walking down a busy street into my "Sami" allowing me to rescue her. [Got an award for this one.]
Scrapped ice off the inside of the windshield of his Porsche during winters before being able to drive.
Temporarily moved for three months with less than 24 hours notice to help family.
Took some pictures that are pretty good.
Stopped not one, but two massive projects that would have destroyed open space birds & other wildlife desperately need.
Watched Eraser Head & K2 many, many times.
Helped stop some really stupid ideas.
Helped start some really cool stuff.
Eaten pretty much anything & enjoyed most of it.
Assisted in making one movie. So far.
Is married to my mostly perfect college sweetheart.
Has been fearless.
Realized Apple is best.
Always tried & try to do what's right.