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Andrew Zuckerman's film and photography work about birds is phenomenal

Andrew Zuckerman: Bird project. Spend some time here if you like/love birds. Under Photographs, be sure to check out the Andean Condor, Greater Bird-of-Paradise, Jackass Penguin, Twelve-wired Bird-of-Paradise, Wattled Currasow - really, check them all out. Under Films, check out Behind The Scenes, and Promo - Secretary. Audio is great too.

This is his official site - has audio when opened. I recommend viewing this on the largest screen possible, like your big screen TV. Under Photographs, be sure to see the Egg, Water - again, all of them.

Under Film, watch at least Wisdom - "It's about being decent." "You can't get to wonderful without getting through all right." "I think it's love." "If you're ever going to create a peaceful world, ..." Just watch this. Gain wisdom. The website for Wisdom has even more about this project. Check out Making Of > How It Was Made. "I had no experience interviewing any one before."

His movie, High Falls.