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WTF! Patent Office grants official exclusive rights for podcasting to Volomedia

That would be like giving the exclusive patent rights for thinking to one company!


EFF Tackles Bogus Podcasting Patent And we Need Your Help! Patenting podcasting? You've got to be kidding. Yet a company called Volomedia just got the Patent Office to grant them such exclusive rights. EFF and the law firm of Howrey, LLP aren't willing to just sit by and watch. This patent could threaten the vibrant community of podcasters and millions of podcast listeners. We want to put a stop to it, but we need your help.

The Volomedia patent covers "a method for providing episodic media."
It's a ridiculously broad patent, covering something that many folks
have been doing for many years. Worse, it could create a whole new
layer of ongoing costs for podcasters and their listeners.
Please head to EFF.org's link to find out how to help.