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Negative equity key factor in mushrooming rate of foreclosures

Opinion piece from The Wall Street Journal:

What is really behind the mushrooming rate of mortgage foreclosures since 2007? The evidence from a huge national database containing millions of individual loans strongly suggests that the single most important factor is whether the homeowner has negative equity in a house...
We are at a crossroads where we can undo the damage to the housing market by strengthening underwriting standards in a reasonable way. But to do so political leaders must face up to the actual causes of the mortgage crisis, not fictitious causes that fit political agendas and election strategies.

Apple retail stores can fix a cracked iPhone screen on the spot

From The Loop:

The Loop has confirmed that if your iPhone has a broken screen and you take it to an Apple retail relocation, they have the capability to fix it on the spot.
Hat tip DaringFireball.net.


DoGood app imagines 300,000 people a day doing the same random act of kindness

Spotted DoGood at Gadgetwise blog at NYTimes.com.

Called DoGood, the iPhone app is the creation of a group of University of Michigan students who hope to spread random acts of kindness.
Check out DoGood.
365 collective acts of kindness


How to solve too big to fail

If you invest for the "long term" and/or plan on "retiring", have a 401(k), etc, you want this problem solved sooner rather than later to reduce the risk of the worldwide economy melting down more than it did in the fall of 2008. [Remember when your mutual fund portfolio tanked last year? There is huge risk that tanking is not done.]

Willem Buiter, Professor of European Political Economy, London School of Economics and Political Science, writes for FT.com & has a solution for the immense problem of "too big to fail" which is why we taxpayers own AIG & a number of other banks now.

The key points to his solution from his blog post are:

(1) Become too big to save
(2) Restore narrow banking or public utility banking
(3) Create mono-product central counterparties and providers of custodial services, central wholesale and securities payment, clearing and settlement platforms
(4) Keep a lid on the size of investment banks
(5) Tax bank size
(6) Use competition policy
(7) Restrict limited liability to prevent excessive risk taking and reduce the size of banks
8) Create effective special resolution mechanisms for all systemically important financial institutions

In banking and most highly leveraged finance, size is a social bad. Fortunately, there is quite a list of effective instruments for cutting leveraged finance down to size.
If you don't read the entire article, at least read the Conclusion.
Don't let your elected official off the hook. Make them fix the problem now!

Mike Kim of Crossing Borders

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Mike Kim
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorJason Jones in Iran

He is the writer of the book Escaping North Korea, & founder of Crossing Borders.

Every day, North Korean citizens who are in search for food and medical help sneak into China where they receive no rights as refugees. This means that many are captured by human traffickers and sold as slaves. Those that are not captured must hide from the Chinese authorities that will send them back to North Korea where they will be tortured and even murdered in their political concentration camps.


Transparency in advertising

Didn't quite "catch it" the first time I watched it.

Saw it at Boing Boing Gadgets:


How cool would it be to have every City offer incentives to develop apps to promote transparency?

At NYTimes.com:

In an effort to improve government transparency and accountability and stimulate development of the digital media industry, New York City is inviting software developers and related professionals this fall to develop applications to help Internet users navigate vast stores of data in areas like citywide events, property sales, recreational centers and restaurant inspections.


So ask your doctor if getting off your ass is right for you

From jay parkinson + md + mph

No diploma no license

I still believe that America, with its unrivaled freedoms, venture capital industry, research universities and openness to new immigrants has the best assets to be taking advantage of this moment — to out-innovate our competition. But we should be pressing these advantages to the max right now.