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Susie Buffett's only TV interview

The woman behind Warren Buffett until her death in 2004. Warren said of her, "he couldn't have done it without her".

Hat tip Signal vs. Noise.

Ian Shive, conservation photographer

From Current TV's blog [emphasis mine]:

The place where the two diverge is that nature photography takes no action – the image is for yourself or for a magazine. Conservation photography takes the process a step further by taking that same image and using it for advocacy, education and to bring awareness or aid to the subject or ecosystem depicted in the image. It’s sort of like giving back to the landscape that you’ve borrowed from as a photographer.
Be sure to check out his inspiring portfolio at his website.


Follow their Hunch

Go ahead, follow their Hunch:

Hunch is a decision-making tool that gets smarter the more you use it. After asking you 10 questions or less, Hunch will provide a concrete result for decisions of every kind.

Hi tide

PleasureHousePoint39 - Version 2


Essay why investing in equities is parasitic in nature

It can certainly be agreed that:

Investors’ objectives

Five primary reasons for obtaining stock are for control of a company; to receive current income from its operations; for price gains; to store future purchasing power; and to create money.
In lieu of arguing in support of the value of the essay re: your investment choices, think of this as you read it. From today forward, there will be potentially life changing opportunities for you to invest your hard earned money in ways that will create the kind of lifestyle and community that will not only enhance your world, but others as well. Based on recent history, political and cultural reality, fixing our broken economy will take years. That reality increases the risk of a Fall 2008 meltdown or worse. If you are planning your investments based on markets returning to the status quo, you invest at your own peril.

About the author & his new book:
Thornton Parker is the author of “What If Boomers Can’t Retire? How to Build Real Security, Not Phantom Wealth[.]

He defines phantom wealth as “the returns from corporate stocks that are based on market prices” as opposed to real wealth that is based on “work, earnings, and solid accomplishments, instead of just hopes.”
Read the essay.

Private property = trees most likely cut down...

Public property = trees most likely live.

PleasureHousePoint26 - Version 2

Birds that live on PHP*, like the Belted Kingfisher, appreciate trees too.

PHP = Pleasure House Point.
Want to help protect it for future generations? Start here.


Moving Windmills - read his story, watch his story, share his story, donate, buy his book

Thanks to Jon Stewart who had William Kamkwamba on tonight.

Mr. Kamkwamba's website.

A post on his site for viewers from The Daily Show that includes a couple dozen links of how you can learn more and help.

His book, The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind: Creating Currents of Electricity and Hope, is also available from links on his site. If you purchase thru his website, the affiliate fees also go to him & his 501(c)3.

By donating [Emphasis mine.]:

Payments appear as Moving Windmills Project, a US 501(c)3. Contributions are tax deductible in U.S. Click "Support My Work" tab for more info. Amounts over $250 will be doubled by a challenge grant.
Some info about the Documentary, YouTube version above:
“Moving Windmills” was submitted to the Pangea Day Film Festival, where it received the “Best North American Filmmaker” award from Participant Media. It placed third in the Cinema Properite Film Festival.

Since the film’s release, “Moving Windmills” has been screened at the World Economic Forum, the Consumer Electronics Show, and Columbia University’s African Economic Forum. It has also been accepted to the Ashland Independent Film Festival, The Without Borders Film Festival in Rome, and the Darfur Film Festival. It won 3rd place at the Seven Fund
Watch & learn about the movie at the Director's site, m ss n g p eces.

Watch Moving Windmills at Pangea Day's site.

About Pangea Day [Emphasis mine.]:
In a world where people are often divided by borders, difference, and conflict, it's easy to lose sight of what we all have in common. Pangea Day seeks to overcome that — to help people see themselves in others — through the power of film.
Follow Kamkwamba on Twitter.

Some photos from Flickr:

He is also a TEDGlobal 2007 Fellow.
About TED Fellow program.

Rewriting the Bible at Conservapedia is like Mastercard?

Stephen Colbert's "news" on Conservapedia apparently crashed their site.

From a cached version at Google:

As of 2009, there is no fully conservative translation of the Bible[.]
  1. Framework against Liberal Bias: providing a strong framework that enables a thought-for-thought translation without corruption by liberal bias
Benefits include:
  • mastery of the Bible, which is priceless
Other benefits also include, according to Conservapedia, getting close minded liberals to read the Bible:
liberals will oppose this effort, but they will have to read the Bible to criticize this, and that will open their minds