Essay why investing in equities is parasitic in nature
It can certainly be agreed that:
Investors’ objectivesIn lieu of arguing in support of the value of the essay re: your investment choices, think of this as you read it. From today forward, there will be potentially life changing opportunities for you to invest your hard earned money in ways that will create the kind of lifestyle and community that will not only enhance your world, but others as well. Based on recent history, political and cultural reality, fixing our broken economy will take years. That reality increases the risk of a Fall 2008 meltdown or worse. If you are planning your investments based on markets returning to the status quo, you invest at your own peril.
Five primary reasons for obtaining stock are for control of a company; to receive current income from its operations; for price gains; to store future purchasing power; and to create money.
About the author & his new book:
Thornton Parker is the author of “What If Boomers Can’t Retire? How to Build Real Security, Not Phantom Wealth”[.]Read the essay.
He defines phantom wealth as “the returns from corporate stocks that are based on market prices” as opposed to real wealth that is based on “work, earnings, and solid accomplishments, instead of just hopes.”