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WTF! Patent Office grants official exclusive rights for podcasting to Volomedia

That would be like giving the exclusive patent rights for thinking to one company!


EFF Tackles Bogus Podcasting Patent And we Need Your Help! Patenting podcasting? You've got to be kidding. Yet a company called Volomedia just got the Patent Office to grant them such exclusive rights. EFF and the law firm of Howrey, LLP aren't willing to just sit by and watch. This patent could threaten the vibrant community of podcasters and millions of podcast listeners. We want to put a stop to it, but we need your help.

The Volomedia patent covers "a method for providing episodic media."
It's a ridiculously broad patent, covering something that many folks
have been doing for many years. Worse, it could create a whole new
layer of ongoing costs for podcasters and their listeners.
Please head to EFF.org's link to find out how to help.

NYTimes.com > Education> Med Grow Cannabis College

At This School, It’s Marijuana in Every Class

“This state needs jobs, and we think medical marijuana can stimulate the state economy with hundreds of jobs and millions of dollars,” said Nick Tennant[.]
Med Grow Cannabis College website. Go ahead, click, I'm sure your privacy is secure.

Owl grabbing a kitten in slow motion

Owl Attacks Camera in Slow Motion - Watch more Funny Videos

Thanks for the link Mark!


After turkey dinner, here's something to do your mother wouldn't

This isn't your mother's JavaScript.

We think JavaScript is awesome. We also think browsers are awesome. Indeed, when we talk about them, we say they are the cat's meow – which is an American expression meaning AWESOME.
Go play with Chrome Experiments.
One of my fav's, Ball Droppings.

Tweet not sent to thousands of teenage girls gets VP arrested

From coverage at CNET:

What is somewhat peculiar is that a tweet was sent from Justin Bieber's account around the time of the arrest, reading: "they are not allowing me to come into the mall. if you don't leave, I and my fans will be arrested, as the police just told us."
Follow Justin Bieber on Twitter.

You don't know him! Are you kidding me?!
Check him out on YouTube.com.


Please help the SEC regulate dark pool trading

Or if you're over say, 35, do not "invest" in any stocks or mutual funds that own stocks. Instead, save your money for Las Vegas, Atlantic City or the nearest Indian Reservation.

From Financial Times:
[free subscription probably required to read entire article]

“The number of active dark pools...has tripled since 2002,” said an early SEC release on the proposed rules.

“Given this growth of dark pools, a lack of transparency could create a two-tiered market that deprives the public of information about stock prices and liquidity.”
A previous article at Financial Times urging the regulation of dark pool trading had a comment:
He said the SEC was “exploring ways” to gather information about the transactions of high-frequency traders. “The commission recognises concerns have been raised that high-frequency traders have the ability to access markets more quickly,” he said. “This ability may allow them to submit or cancel their orders faster than long-term investors, which may result in less favourable trading conditions for these investors.”
Exploring ways! This is another area of our financial system that needs simple, clear, enforceable regulation.

Contact the SEC to move from exploring ways to taking action.


2012 Trailer from SNL

It's not neutrinos from a massive solar flare that destroys earth.