New ad from against Democrat Rep. Mike Ross
Join and drive special interests out:
Here at Change Congress, we believe that politicians should work for the people, not special interests. But it’s not enough to push politicians to stay out of the system of corruption—we have to reform the system itself. That’s why we support a hybrid of small-dollar donations and public financing, to keep big money out of politics.There is a bill in congress being pushed by that has 85 sponsors to give the country back to the people by changing campaign finance law.
There is a case pending in the Supreme Court that could allow corporations to spend unlimited money in campaigns. Unlimited.
NINA TOTENBERG: At issue in the case is whether the century-old ban on corporate spending in candidate election violates the constitution and whether the court should reverse decades of its own decisions that explicitly or implicitly have upheld the ban on corporate and union spending.
Yesterday, there appeared to be five conservative justices on the verge of saying the ban is unconstitutional. If so, that would dramatically change campaign finance law as practiced since 1907 when Congress, for all practical purposes, first outlawed corporate spending in candidate elections.
This can be traced back to a case in 1886 about "corporate personhood".
More at Wikipedia. How many "rights" should a corporation have vs. a person.
There isn't much of a leap to make to have the scenario of an illegal immigrant, "an enemy of the state", etc, forms a corporation, is allowed to exercise their "rights" as a "person" under the 1st Amendment, with a ruling from the Supreme Court allowing...that corporation can spend unlimited money "campaigning" undoubtedly affecting the outcome of an election. We, the people, would clearly loss more of our voice and our vote.